
Design is one of the most important stages in the development and creation of any object. It is on this stage of work that the success of all further development and production of the product depends. Today, designing, designing and conducting shows is impossible without the use of CAD and 3D visualization programs.The Scenic Design Bureau and the Light Laboratory design group of ALVISS have been successfully using the most advanced programs for many years to solve the tasks set by customers.

Our specialists will help you with the following tasks:
- Drawing up the Terms of Reference; - Development of the General plan of location arrangement (Stage, entrance group, VIP-zones, bars, dance floor, etc.);
- Development of a Conceptual Design;
- Development of a Presentation;
- Real-time editing of the project with our specialist;
- Creation of a 3D animated video with the ability to demonstrate the work of dynamic lighting on the site; (Such a demonstration of the future object leaves an indelible impression on the customer and is the final argument in making a decision).
- Development of a working draft and all necessary documentation for participation in the tender, preparation and holding of events.

3D modeling helps to make a new qualitative step in the development and manufacture of objects of any complexity!